Remember that time I said I have trouble with the first sentence? Yep... I'm there again :) I've typed 3 different beginnings. Now, I'm too tired to even think of something original and witty. So, since I'm not feeling witty I decided to grab a couple of eCards. These two made me laugh because I can definitely relate. I thought the first one was funny since we just finished doing fairy tales. My kids probably would've related better to this story than the one with the porridge, the chairs, and the beds.

Then, the second one... well, that would be the type of thing I would do. Honestly, I think if you are a blogger, it's the type of thing most of us would do. The part that makes it even better to me is one of my FB friends did that recently. Between iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, DropBox, and Google Docs file sharing has definitely entered another world. Who needs JumpDrives when you can store everything online and open it from any electronic you own?

Alright, so that's pretty much all I have tonight. Today was a great day, but I'm wiped and I have to say I'm giddy and my mind is a little bit like J-E-L-L-O right now (Did you hear the Jello commercial when I spelled that? LOL... you know you did). Something about staying up late on a school night seemed like a grand idea last night. Tonight - yeah, not sure when I turned that old corner, but I definitely did. Who knew over 30 would feel so close to over 80 when it comes to energy? Bedtime is coming quickly. Hopefully, you won't have a post that's alfdakdla;fjda;fjdakjfa;sjdf tomorrow from me falling asleep on my keyboard.

Last thing, one of my teammates needed a Thanksgiving graph today, so I threw this one together. If you like it, you will want to click
here and get my Thanksgiving printables. This sheet is not one of them, but it's very similar to what I've created. I also have another freebie I created yesterday for Thanksgiving that is a part of the packet. Hope you enjoy! Click
here to get today's freebie.
Time to crash and curl up and sleep! Talk to you tomorrow!
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