Alright, I want everyone to think of what their worst nightmare is (outside of losing a family member)? Well, my worst one happened today. I went to Michael's to load up on Christmas craft stuff, go to my car, and realized I left my iPad in the buggy. I had only left the store 30 seconds before and went sprinting back into the store. The cart I left it in wasn't there anymore. I asked an employee and no one had turned it in to her. She had someone go around to look in carts, but she didn't see it. Her response was, "I'm sorry. You can leave your name and number and we will call you if someone finds it." Um, Nooo!!! Yeah, that wasn't going to work for me. I posted guard at the Michael's exit because I knew there was no way anyone had walked out with it. I had gone back in so quickly I was certain that it was going to be there. I felt a little bad, but I glanced at every customer's bag from a distance to see if there was anything shaped like an iPad. Fortunately, the exit was also next to the buggies, so I was checking every buggy, too. I kept praying and praying that there would be an honest person with my discarded buggy. Around 45 minutes later, a lady turned it in to the cashier. My husband was a hero. He sent a text message to my iPad and that's when the lady noticed it. I thanked and thanked and thanked her.

Okay, so that was my crazy afternoon. I do have to tell you, if you do Christmas gifts for your kids' parents, Michaels had some really cool stuff. We are going to put ours together on Thursday or Friday, so I will send you a picture then. Most of their Christmas stuff, specifically the plastic ornament balls, was 50% off. With that, you can also use your teacher's badge which gets you a little bit of a discount. Here are pictures of two of the things that I'm hoping to do this week. I got both ideas off of Pinterest. One is on my Holidays - Winter board and the other is on my Holidays - Christmas board. If you aren't following me on Pinterest yet, I pin a lot of my ideas there and I have to say, most of the time I only pin things that I think I can make happen.

Tonight is one of those nights I feel like I'm floating from topic to topic, but I have so much to cover. Last week, we did another writing activity. Every year, I read
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas to my class. After we read it, I have my students write a letter to the Grinch asking him to come to Christmas with them. Since they don't have experience writing letters, we use a fill-in-the-blank template. Then, I have my students rewrite it. Anyway, click
HERE to get the template. My kids always enjoy it and I usually use it for a handwriting grade. They also look really cute hanging up in the hallway. Next year, I am going to try to have the kids make their own Grinches, but I'm not there yet.

Alright - now, for what I know you have been waiting for - stories about Disney the elf. Well, I went a little overboard with setting him up for tomorrow. You see, some how the last few days my students have managed to knock him over. They haven't touched him, but all it takes is bumping the place where he is resting and he tumbles to the floor. That always leaves us with a dilemma because we can't touch him. If you look at my pictures from Thursday, I put a Band aid on his nose and eyebrow. If you tumble you usually end up with Band aids, right? So, tomorrow he's stored in a much safer place. He's hiding out with my holiday decorations. He also has a note. I cut up paper into little rectangles and stapled it. Then, I made a little paper envelope and stuck the notepad inside. It's so tiny that it definitely looks like Disney made it. I put it next to a pen so you could get an idea of just how tiny it is. I also took the time to write down each child's name in it and one thing they did right or one thing they did wrong. Hopefully, that will scare a few of them straight. I already know what he's going to do for Tuesday, so be watching for pictures. He's definitely going to be a trouble maker!
That's all for tonight! Time to come up with my Christmas letter to my parents, get ready for tomorrow and eat a couple of Mango gummy bears. I hope everyone had a Fantabulous Weekend!
oh wow! I would freak! Good for you to stay there and stand guard! If you have another apple device and it is linked/set up you can always activate your "locate my iPad" and an alarm will sound on your iPad until you (the owner) turns it off! I tried it out at home once and it is a very distinct, quite annoying alarm. But I bet that would get whoever had it to turn it in, too! But sending a text message to it was pretty genius, too!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you were able to get it back!
Wishful Teaching
I actually did know about the "locate my iPad". The only problem is I don't have an iPhone. I tried to call several of my friends and my husband since all of them have it, but I couldn't get any of them. I have the app added to my iPad just for situations like this. Hopefully, I'll have an iPhone soon and I'll be a little more careful :)